I’m Back!!

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I am starting this blog anew after being unable to access my previous wordpress blog entitled, “Incest Survivor” by ladyinblack. In that blog, I wrote extensively about my grandfather’s abuse and many of the results. I will write about those memories again, but not copy them exactly. After that, or side by side, I will share my experience with my abusive marriage. If you go back to read my previous posts, remember that I can’t get back there to answer your questions of make comments.

My grandfather’s incest began when I was 6 years old, although it can be argued that it began at my birth. It continued until I was 13 and told my parents about the incest that had occurred the night before. I will explain everything beginning in my next post.

Thank you for reading and I hope as I continue to post my experiences that you will understand more clearly the incedious nature of incest and the ways it chyages your life forever.